Thursday, January 23, 2025

Dogwood Rally at Breaks Interstate Park

Hello Dogwood! Breaks Interstate Park is located on the Virginia/Kentucky boarder and called the Grand Canyon of the South because of the gorge it is located in. Access coming north or south is off I-81. For detailed instructions, check your GPS or see their website: Please visit the website and read the Things To Know section. If you have a problem driving in the mountains, this might not be for you. From the website: The Breaks Interstate Park is located in a remote area. While the Breaks is surrounded by rugged beauty, this can make getting here a challenge. All roads leading to the Breaks are mountainous, narrow, and curvy. Please plan accordingly. If this is your first trip to the Breaks, we recommend you plan on arriving before dark.


Your Rally hosts are Dan Brooks and Lynn Nelson


Rally Fee will be $25 per person.  Payment to be made at rally.


The Rally dates are July 8-12, 2025.


There are several local points of interest. Here are a few of them:

Drive through the gorge

Zip lines

Elk Tours



And there is a Restaurant on site


We recommend you visit their website for more options.


Additional plans will be shared at a later date, but we will have a potluck on one day.  Please plan to bring your favorite dish to share. Oh, and don't expect to run to a store – we recommend you stock up before coming. We won't have a shelter for our meetings; we will be under a canopy located near the hosts rigs.  Please plan on bringing your own plates, flatware, drinks, chairs, and maybe a table.


We recommend make your reservations NOW. They can be made on their website.  Your hosts are in Loop C, sites 73 and 74. The campground is currently closed for the winter so we cannot reserve for the group. Once it is open, we will contact them for additional things we might be able to set up and provide you more information.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Mr B's 2025 Spring Music Spectacular


Hello Dogwood! 

This is first call for the upcoming Mr. B’s Bluegrass Spring Music Spectacular on May 1-3, 2025. Like last year, it will be held at Mr. B’s Event Park in Woodford, VA – on the west side of old Route 1 just north of the Ladysmith exit off I-95. Ms. Billie Sue Goff (Event Director and good friend of the club) has set aside 10 spots for us – all together. If more sign up, that’s fine, you just might not be right next door to us. But that’s OK because the campground is easily crossed in minutes from wherever you get parked. The directions and signup sheet will be out on the Dogwood Blog site.   We have two families signed so far: us (the Herberts) and the Buelows.

Jean and I are hosting again for the brunch, but we will need a co-host. The music schedule, like last year, is: Music Starts at noon and goes without a dinner break to 10 pm. So, we are starting to put together the brunch plans. At this point, on Wednesday evening (for you early arrivers) we will be doing a potluck supper; Jean and I will bring fried chicken for all. Feel free to bring an appetizer, sides or dessert to go with it.  

Brunches for the next three days will start around 9:30 am and will include all the good food and drinks we are known for. So, if you haven’t already, please call Ms. Billie Sue Goff at 757-660-8904 and get your reservation in for the festival. See the Dogwood Blog Site for details, show list and directions – we hope to see you there! 

Ed & Jean Herbert 



Registration for the 2025 Mr. B’s Bluegrass Music Spectacular Rally

May 1-3, 2025


Cutoff date for Rally registration is April 18, 2025. 

Rally fee is $20 per person.


Name(s) of attendees: ______________________________


Number of attendees times $20.00 = _________


  Total enclosed = _________


Please make checks payable to Jean Herbert (not Dogwood) and please mail registration forms to:


Jean Herbert

3216 Cavalry Ridge Ct

Fredericksburg VA 22408


Click on the links below for additional details

    The Rally Registration Form

    Mr B's Spring Music Schedule and Prices

    Mr B's Spring Music Lineup