Monday, August 30, 2021

August Update - 25th Anniversary Rally at Americamps, September 17-19, 2021

We will be celebrating Dogwood's 25th Anniversary at Americamps in Ashland September 16 through September 19!  We look forward to seeing you there.


The committee has met several times and plans are coming together nicely.


Here's the list I got from Americamps of those who reserved camping spots:  Czarsty, Tilman, Alexander, Sohles, Vreeland, Schoolar, Meyer, Greenwood, Dudziak, Kuiken, Monaghan, Hunter, Semster, Fisher, Mimms, Buelow, Herbert*, Cummings*, Allen*, Bonewitz*, Thorpe*, Saul*. If your name has an * after it, as I  write on August 27, I have not received your registration form or $25 rally fee.  Please make check to me and send to Connie Tilman, 3566 Old River Trail, Powhatan, VA 23139.  The application form was included in last newsletter (click here) and in a recent newsletter blast about the rally.  If you are planning to camp and are not on my list, please let me know at 804-513-7274.


Andrea Monaghan will be leading a cornhole tournament at the rally on Saturday afternoon. She needs more cornhole boards.  If you have one you could bring, please let me know.  Phone number above. Let me know too if your board is regulation or tailgaters style--not that I know what that means but it's important!


If you need ideas for Saturday's covered dish breakfast or $25 gift for Saturday night's Yankee Swap game, call or text me.  I can help you.


As you are packing for the rally, please bring along any pictures you have from past Dogwood rallies.


The committee (Andrea. Patty, Karen, and I) have invited new member Mary Lou Dudziak to join the committee at the rally. We're looking forward to her help and the opportunity to introduce her to everyone else.


Connie Tilman

Dogwood Rally at North Landing - Summary

The Rally was held at North Landing Beach Resort in VA Beach, VA, Aug 5-8, 2021,and hosted by the Buelows and Sohles. Attendees included the Allens, Buelows, Hills, Joyners with son RJ, Kuikens, Meyers with granddaughter Taylor, Monaghans, Schoolars, Sohles, and Vreeland.  


The resort amenities and the staff were outstanding. We had a beautiful rally room for the entire time. The sites were good sized and included FHU and cable. The only negative comments we heard were that we were not all parked together, and the need travel on a 2-lane road to get to the campground. The upside far outweighed the downside. Great campground, great staff. 


The rally began Thursday evening with potluck, and as usual, we had plenty to eat. Friday morning we had a Corn Hole Tournament with cash prizes. All went well, especially for the winners, and we had a fun time. Friday night included a dinner of brats, burgers, and all the trimmings. After dinner we had a raffle, which included 2 free nights of camping at North Landing Beach, and a beautiful afghan donated by Susan Buelow. After dinner, we played a game put together by Patty Kuiken, and more cash prizes were awarded. A really fun day for all. 

Saturday included a full breakfast in the morning and a Seafood Boil put on by the campground in the evening. We had heavy rain most of the day, but that did not slow us down. The dinner meal included unlimited beer, wine and soda, along with all the seafood and sides you could eat. What a deal for $20.00. The highlight of the night was Karaoke, dancing, and the great show put on by the Dogwood ladies. Be sure to check out the pictures and video, you will really enjoy it. 

I think we speak for the entire group of attendees to say that we had a BALL. Fun, Food, Friendship and a lot of Laughs, were in abundance. Thanks to all who attended and for your help in making this a truly enjoyable rally. 


Your Hosts, 

The Buelows and Sohles 

Apologies - the video did not load properly for me, but here's a picture from the video I think you will enjoy....  I'll continue working to publish the video for you.  v/r,  Dave