Thursday, March 30, 2023

Dogwood Rally at Mr. B’s Spring Music Spectacular

Dogwood Rally at Mr. B’s Spring Music Spectacular, 4-6 May 2023

Updated with Itinerary and Dogwood Registration Form.

Hello Dogwood! May is soon upon us and Mr. B is having his Spring Music Spectacular 4-6 May. Okay, Jean and I are arriving on Wednesday, 3 May, to set up and are planning a good time for all of us. You may come in Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. We ‘ll have a potluck heavy hors d’oeuvres dinner at 6:00 for all who come in on Wednesday. The lineup as we know so far is listed below: 


Thursday – 4 May (Music starts at 1:00pm)

Dark Hollow 

Hard Knox 

Amanda Cook band 

Deeper Shade of Blue 


Friday – 5 May (Music starts at 11:30 am)

Rappahannock Crossing 

Lorraine Jordan & Carolina Roads 

R\Troy Engle & Southern Stars 

Nick Chandler & Delivered 

Tennessee Bluegrass Band 


Saturday – 6 May(Music starts at 11:30 am)

Mill Run Bluegrass Band 

Carolina Owen & New Company 

Darren Beachly 

Alan Biby & Grasstowne 



Note: All bands play twice each day; once in the afternoon and then again once in the evening, so you get two chances to hear each band! 


There will be a one-hour dinner break. The cafĂ© at Mr. B’s serves up fried chicken, burgers, BBQ, steamed shrimp, sides, ice cream, etc. and operates during the whole concert. There is big pavilion right there to enjoy your food. Jean and I are planning to offer Breakfast for Dogwood on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Mornings at 9:30 at our rig – I will have the canopy set up and the Dogwood Banner on display, so you should be able to find us pretty easily – Mr. B’s isn’t that big anyway. Rally fee is $12/adult; we hope that doesn’t break anyone. Oh yeah, come to think of it, Cinco De Mayo is Friday morning! Hmmm. Margaritas, anyone? 


As a reminder, you can Google “Mr. B’s Spring Music Spectacular 2023” or find it on Facebook; this will take you to the website for show details, including band listings, timeframes and park info.  


You must call Ms. Billie Sue Goff at (757) 660-8904 or (703) 898-7831 for ticket reservations and pricing. A music pass with camping is about $295. Make sure you tell Ms. Goff that you are with the Dogwood RV group.  Ms. Goff is lead singer for the Mill Run Bluegrass Band and coordinator of this event. Her email address is: and you can e-mail her as needed. 


Please remember that you need to bring your own chairs (in addition to the chairs you leave in place by the stage), plates, napkins, dinnerware and drinks. 

Click here for the Dogwood Registration Form.


Your Hosts

Ed and Jean Herbert


(Posted Jan 12, 2023)

Hey Dogwood! How about some really good bluegrass and country music for the ears?? Mr.B is throwing his Spring Music Spectacular on 4-6 May this year in Woodford, VA. It will be three days of country and bluegrass music set in the beautiful woods of his private park off old Route 1 below Thornburg, VA. . The stage is terrific; the food is always good, and the music is always toe-tapping stuff.


The routine is pretty simple: get there whenever, set up your comfy lawn chairs down by the stage just where you want them, leave them for the duration, and then pick them up before you leave on the last day. The snack bar/restaurant will be open the whole time, and there’s a big pavilion behind the stage to gather and meet ‘n greet. 

I have arranged eight reserved spots for us – the “Dogwood RV Club”, and you can use that name when you make your reservations. The camp sites are all 30-amp, with water, but no sewer. (There are two Pilot/Flying J’s right down the road at the Carmel Church/Route 207 Exit off I-95 to dump tanks afterwards). 

Here are the details for registering: 

Information: Google “Mr. B’s Spring Music Spectacular 2023”; this will take you to the website for show details, including band listings, timeframes and park info. 

You must call Ms. Billie Sue Goff at (757) 660-8904 or (703) 898-7831 for ticket reservations and pricing. A three-day pass with camping is about $295. Make sure you tell Ms. Goff that you are with the Dogwood RV group.  

Ms. Goff is lead singer for the Mill Run Bluegrass Band and coordinator of this event; she is a personal friend and will hold the eight spots for us until January 31. If you register after that, you can still get in (it’s a big park) but you won’t be parked next to us. Her email address is: and you can e-mail her as needed. 

At this point I have no plans for club activities and there is no Dogwood registration fee for us.  Over the next two months, Jean and I will be laying out plans for a breakfast or dinner or something – I'll get registration forms out then. In the meantime, please e-mail me when you get registered with the park. Bring comfy lawn chairs to set down by the stage (and leave for the concert) and sunscreen – we are looking forward to terrific music weekend.

Your Hosts

Ed and Jean Herbert