September 17-19 is our Dogwood 25th Anniversary Celebration at Americamps in Ashland. FMCA Dogwood Chapter's actual 25th anniversary date passed in early June but plans are well underway for our celebration on September 17-19, 2021. Americamps RV Resort at 11322 Air Park Rd. in Ashland, VA has been reserved for the weekend. The phone number is 804 798-5298. The next statement is the most important information in this article. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE SO, MAKE YOUR CAMPGROUND RESERVATIONS NOW. Sites are limited and the campground is busy that weekend. The rally will feature some highlight events from the previous 25 years.
Here are the plans as they stand now.
Friday, September 17 (Arrivals)
4 pm Social Hour. This evening will include our special invited guests.
5 pm Dinner by Hosts.
Following the meal, there will be group photos, introduction of special guests, videos, door prizes, and reminiscing as well as cake and ice cream.
Saturday, September 18
10 am (as the rally room becomes available to us) we will have a covered dish brunch. Each coach will be asked to bring prepared breakfast foods. Early Christmas rallies included a bountiful covered dish breakfast.
Afternoon corn hole tournament led by Roger Monaghan.
5 pm Social Hour
6 pm Dinner by the hosts.
Following dinner, we will play the Yankee Swap game. Each coach is asked to bring a $25 new, nice gift that is wrapped. Most of us like playing the Yankee Swap game. Before Covid hit, we have included in every year's events.
Sunday, September 19
9 am Continental Farewell breakfast, location to be announced.
Please use this link for the registration form: Registration Form for the Dogwood 25th Anniversary Celebration
$25 per coach for 2 people for the weekend
$12.50 per additional person attending in a coach with members
$12.50 for member couple attending for just one day.
Invited guests will be our guests for Friday night.
Send to Connie Tilman, 3566 Old River Trail, Powhatan, VA 23139. Remember to reserve the campground now. Registration form due to Connie Tilman by August 1.
Part two of the celebration rally will take place in Lewisburg, West Virginia at the GEAR rally. Your FMCA magazine includes a registration form for GEAR or you can register through the FMCA website. On Thursday, September 30, 2021, our chapter will be hosting a noon LUNCH reception for the FMCA and EAMA officers. We will purchase and assemble finger foods. We will need volunteers to help at 11:30 with the set up. Our chapter can enjoy lunch with the officers who will already be gathered in West Virginia for the rally. We have the Blue Ribbon building reserved for the event.
Feel free to contact Connie Tilman at 804 513-7274 with questions or concerns.